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Age 42, Other

Joined on 7/5/14

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  1. open cabinet drawer to pick up batteries and notebook
  2. pick up scrap paper under matress, which indicates something might be hidden in dirty laundry.
  3. click dirty laundry for few times to find another note, with cats printed on
  4. follow the order of printed cats, click on food and water bowl
  5. follow bloody paw marks to find cat ghost under bed, click cat ghost to reveal chisel
  6. under desk there is hammer hidden
  7. in one of desk drawers there is a folder with files which show a lady's eyes being slashed
  8. laptop is locked by password, a sticky note says 7734, look closer, wallpaper on screen is upside down, and so is the sticky note, so 7734 upside down is hELL
  9. hELL is the password to login laptop (not case sensetive), you will see a picture of the family, a picture of a teddy bear with key, and a text file contains another riddle, will mention later.
  10. a mobile phone is next to laptop, will mention later
  11. turn the light off, see hidden message under clock, 300 tic = 5 mins, dozen loops later means 5x12=60mins, an hour
  12. time on clock is 05:15, an hour later is 06:15, or 18:15
  13. 1815 is the password to unlock the box on cabinet, find a key and another note that shows hammer+chisel = brick out
  14. use key to unlock door, see a nice house, but it's just a picture. peel the picture off to reveal brick wall.
  15. combine hammer and chisel, use them to break a hole in wall
  16. go through hole, turn the light on
  17. the door at right leads to tv room, can't do anything rightnow
  18. the door at left takes you to a beach, find a toy vending machine but can't operate
  19. turn back, find a teddy bear, click for few times to rip it, find another key; just as shown on laptop
  20. go back to bedroom, use the new key to unlock wardrobe, pick up knife
  21. click on ghost girl, later phone will ring, but no way to unlock since it requires fingerprint scan
  22. as shown in the files earlier, slash lady's eyes in painting, find eyeballs
  23. as stated in text file on laptop, even in death tooth fairy still needs her sight back. put eyeballs back to the skull in wardrobe
  24. nothing happens? remember "Knock knock knock", "tooth" and "sight" are underlined in text file? Sight has been restored, now we just need to knock knock knock her tooth, she will give you a dollar.
  25. find a $1 coin.
  26. go back to beach, use dollar coin to operate vending machine, open toy ball to find a severed finger.
  27. back to bedroom again, use finger to unlock phone, play voicemail, which is morse code made of cat meows.
  28. compare with the notebook you found at begining, voice mail can be deciphered to number 1602
  29. go to tv room, put in 1602 to unlock toolbox, find remote and a letter which shows how to install battery into remote
  30. combine remote and battery, then turn on tv
  31. show's over, pick up ruby on the floor
  32. insert ruby into guy's forehead in painting
  33. walk up stairs
  34. end

The man couldn't accept the fact that his wife is dead, thus fell into deep sorrow.

After long time alcohol abuse, he's finally gone mad and believe the only way to reunite his family is to kill his daughter, their cat, and himself, so they can join his wife in afterlife.


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